Thursday, May 26, 2011

Feet First Introduction

*voice crackling with static* Hello?  Hello, can anybody hear me?

Well, not really, since you're reading this, and it would be rather difficult to hear written words, other then in your head...and now I'm rambling.  Lovely, two sentences in and I'm already off track.  Anyway, Rachel here, also known around the internet as "Raezing16" (deviantart and youtube) or just Raezing in many other places.  I'm also Rachel on Goodreads, since NetGalley wouldn't accept me until I had a more legit name attached to my book reviews.

I've been entertaining the idea of starting a blog for a while now, but it hasn't been until several of my best friends got one that I figured it was time to stop pondering and actually do something about it.  At this point, I'm going to take a leaf out of my friend Anila's book (well, actually from her blog Keep Calm and Om Nom) and start out my first ever post with a list of 10 things about me:

1. I'm nineteen years old, an incoming college freshman, and hail from the shadows of the Rocky Mountains in the U.S.A.
2. I am a synesthete.  I see letters and numbers in color, always have, always will.  No, those aren't the exact colors, but they're the closest I can get on the computer...I can get them exact when mixing my own paint, but the computer is always a little bit off.  It makes me a fast reader, but it drives me crazy when teachers ask me to read something that is written in a particular color in a textbook. Because every word is many colors darn it!
3. My interests include knitting, sewing, writing, reading (and reviewing, I love reviewing!), anything related to the behind-the-scenes nature of film, and most importantly Art!
4. Art is life, life is art, you get the picture.
4.1 I am an aspiring illustrator and love creating art that tells a story.  Post college I hope to work as an illustrator or in the art department of film.  I'll be posting some of my art here from time to time *coughconstantlycough* so all I ask is that it isn't stolen.
5. I don't get hooked into things easily, but when I obsess, I obsess.  The current features of obsession are Harry Potter (which has always been and always will be a feature), Star Trek, and Doctor Who.  I will more then likely be reviewing them here, ESPECIALLY the new episodes of Doctor Who as they come out.
6. I practically bleed spoilers.  My friends have done a pretty good job in training me not to blurt them out however, and to that end I shall be posting a spoiler warning before any particularly spoilery (is that even a word?) post.
7.  I love funny pictures, memes, and tropes. I love tropes.  In fact, the name of this blog is a trope, as will be all the post titles.  Of course, I will include a link to the tvtropes page whenever I include a trope in a post.  For instance, you can read about the tropes "Feet First Introduction" here and "Spooky Silent Library" here.
7.1 The blog title is also partially due to the fact that I have had many adventures with my friends in the library in the late hours of the night.  Sardines and Ghost in the Graveyard...ah good times, good times.
8.  Fanart is my guilty pleasure.  When my artistic muse decides to leave me and head to the Caribbean to chill with Cap'n Jack Sparrow, I do fanart.  At least I'm still producing art, eh?
9. I share residence with two big, lovable labs.  Okay, so one of them is a lab-poodle-shitzu mix (don't ask how that happened, it's a strange story), but she's got the heart of a lab and that's what counts!  I don't think I have a single painting that doesn't have at least one of their hairs in it...
10.  I have been told many times that I'm like Hermione from the Potter books.  Let's see... Bushy hair? Check. Big teeth? Check. Love of reading? Check. Pathetic at sports? Check.  Devastated by anything less then an top marks on my schoolwork? check, Check, CHECK! - I think I can see where they're coming from there...

Okay, I lied, 11.  I. LOVE. SCI. - FI. Nuff said. And here's an old drawing of the Eleventh Doctor ----- >

Rachel B. signing off

Over and out