Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To Live, To Love, To Let Go

This doesn't really depict any particular scene in the series, rather I was trying to capture my emotions that I felt as I drew this in line while waiting for the last Harry Potter movie.

Pen and Ink with Watercolor

This also was the first painting that I completed using the Windsor-Newton Series 7 sable watercolor brush that I received as a gift after graduation.  For those that don't know, in 1886 Queen Victoria, an avid watercolorist herself, ordered that Windsor-Newton produce a line of the highest quality brushes in size 7 - her favorite size.  This line became known as Series 7 and since then has been continued with the same quality standards.  It's absolutely amazing the difference that sort of quality makes with how it feels to paint with it.  Hence, I wasn't as thrilled by the actual technique in this one, since I was getting used to a different flow compared to the acrylic watercolor bristles I was using.

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